India - Nagapattinam restoration
In 2014 Hans Schiebroek started funding on the restoration on the Karikop cemetery in the city of Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu, India. In 2017 the Dutch Dodenakkers Foundation (stichting Dodenakkers.nl) and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) were asked by the Prins Bernard Cultuur Fonds to advise on this project. Together with the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) a workshop was organised on the possible restoration of the big tomb of Anthonia Steelant-Nilo and the obelisk of Adriana Mossel-Appels.
Sadly, Mr. Schiebroek passed away in 2018, and the Dodenakkers Foundation took over his initiative. A restoration architect, Mr. Sakthi Murugan Rajendran, was found and Dr. S. Suresh from INTACH would supervise the project. Funding was to be done by the Prins Bernard Cultuur Fonds.
Tomb of Antonia van Steelant
In january 2020 the Dutch team of Dodenakkers and the RCE visited Nagapattinam again. Together with the restoration architect and INTACH, details of the restoration were discussed on-site. Soon afterwards the restoration got started. And then came COVID-19... Work came to a full-stop, but was slowly restarted in the summer. And now, in October, the work on the tomb is almost completed.
The full story to follow.
(Pictures of the restoration by Sakthi Murugan Rajendran)
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