Fundraising Monument SLM-disaster Suriname
In Paramaribo, there is an impressive monument at the Rusthof cemetery in memory of the air disaster of the Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij June 7, 1989. The SLM disaster took place near Zanderij Airport and is the largest air disaster in the history of Suriname. 176 people lost their lives, only 11 passengers survived the disaster. Among the victims were many Surinamese Dutch, members and accompanists of the Colorful Team and the Amsterdam band Draver-Boys who supported the Colorful Team musically.

Suriname - Names from the past
On Monday October 30th 2023 project 'Names from the past' was launched, in which the graves and grave monuments of Surinamese who have played an important or special role in history will be inventoried. The start of the project was during the course 'Funerary Heritage in Suriname', organized by the Built Heritage Foundation Suriname (SGES). Now that graves can be cleared from the cemeteries, graves of important Surinamese people may be in danger of disappearing. Because not all graves can be preserved due to a lack of space in the cemeteries, care must be taken to ensure that no heritage is lost.

Suriname - Nomination Jodensavanne World Heritage List
Jodensavanne Archaeological Site in Suriname is formally one of the twenty heritage nominations for placement on the World Heritage List in 2023. In July 2023, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee will meet to decide whether the site will definitely be given a place on this prestigious list.

Suriname - Documentation monuments Coronie
On Thursday 19 May 2022, a team from the Built Heritage Suriname Foundation (SGES) paid a working visit to the Coronie district to inspect and document some historic graves on the Bellevue plantation. The reason for this is the report that some old graves on the plantation are said to have been damaged as a result of work on the Oost-Westverbinding.

Suriname - Major cleaning Nieuwe Oranjetuin
At the initiative of the District Commissioner Mr. Ricardo Bhola, the highest administrative officer (Burgervader) of the North-East Paramaribo district, preparations are currently being made for a phased clean-up of the overgrown Nieuwe Oranjetuin cemetery. Support is being received from Johan Roozer of the Directorate of Culture and Stephen Fokké, director of the Suriname Built Heritage Foundation (SGES), a beekeeper, the bee service of the Fire Brigade, Public Green Space, the Administrative Service and the Corps of Penitentiary Officials (KPA).

Thesis on the Dutch Cemetery in Surat, India
In 2021 Indian student Kaanan Thakkar completed her Master of Science in Conservation of Monument and Sites at KU Leuven in Belgium with a thesis titled Bridging The Gap: Revival of a Former Dutch Cemetery in the Urban Fabric of Surat, India.